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Q: What is a computer?

A: A computer is an electronic device that processes and stores data.


Q: What are the two main parts of a computer?

A: The two main parts of a computer are hardware and software.


Q: What is hardware in a computer?

A: Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer, such as the keyboard, monitor, and CPU.


Q: What is software in a computer?

A: Software refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer.


Q: What is the function of an input device?

A: Input devices are used to enter data and commands into the computer, such as a keyboard and mouse.


Q: What is the function of an output device?

A: Output devices display or print the results of computer processing, such as a monitor or printer.


Q: What is a CPU?

A: CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, which is the brain of the computer, responsible for executing instructions.


Q: What is the role of RAM in a computer?

A: RAM (Random Access Memory) is used to temporarily store data and program instructions while the computer is running.


Q: What is a file?

A: A file is a digital container that stores data, such as text, images, or videos.


Q: What is an operating system?

A: An operating system is software that manages and controls the computer's hardware and software resources.


Q: What is a folder in a computer?

A: A folder is a digital container used to organize and store files.


Q: What is a desktop?

A: The desktop is the main screen of a computer where icons and shortcuts to programs and files are displayed.


Q: What is a computer virus?

A: A computer virus is malicious software that can damage or disrupt computer operations.


Q: What does 'www' stand for in a web address?

A: 'www' stands for World Wide Web, which is the part of the internet used for websites.


Q: What is a web browser?

A: A web browser is a software application used to access and view websites on the internet.


Q: What is a search engine?

A: A search engine is a tool that helps you find information on the internet by entering keywords.


Q: What is a URL?

A: URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is a web address used to locate resources on the internet.


Q: What is a hyperlink?

A: A hyperlink is a clickable link that takes you to another web page or resource.


Q: What is an email?

A: Email is a digital communication method that allows you to send and receive messages over the internet.


Q: What is a password?

A: A password is a secret combination of characters used to protect access to computer systems and online accounts.


Q: What is a backup?

A: A backup is a copy of important data made to prevent loss in case of a computer malfunction or data corruption.


Q: What is a recycle bin?

A: The recycle bin is a temporary storage area on a computer where deleted files are stored before they are permanently removed.


Q: What is a printer?

A: A printer is an output device that produces a paper or hardcopy of digital documents.


Q: What is a flash drive?

A: A flash drive is a portable storage device used to store and transfer digital files.


Q: What is a username?

A: A username is a unique identifier used to access computer systems, websites, and online services.




Q: What is word processing?

A: Word processing is the creation, editing, and formatting of text documents using software like MS Word.


Q: What is MS Word?

A: MS Word is a popular word processing software developed by Microsoft.


Q: What is the function of the 'Save' command in MS Word?

A: The 'Save' command is used to save a document to a file on the computer's storage.


Q: How do you create a new document in MS Word?

A: You can create a new document by selecting 'File' > 'New' and then choosing 'Blank Document.'


Q: What is the purpose of the 'Copy' command?

A: The 'Copy' command is used to duplicate selected text or objects, which can be pasted elsewhere.


Q: What is the 'Font' in MS Word?

A: The 'Font' refers to the typeface, size, and style of the text in a document.


Q: How can you change the font size in MS Word?

A: You can change the font size by selecting the text and using the 'Font Size' drop-down menu.


Q: What is the function of the 'Bold' button in MS Word?

A: The 'Bold' button is used to make selected text appear in a bold style.


Q: How do you underline text in MS Word?

A: You can underline text by selecting the text and clicking the 'Underline' button.


Q: What is the 'Cut' command used for?

A: The 'Cut' command is used to remove selected text or objects and place them in the clipboard for later pasting.


Q: What is a paragraph in MS Word?

A: A paragraph is a block of text separated by line breaks and identified by a paragraph mark.


Q: How do you change the text color in MS Word?

A: To change text color, select the text and use the 'Text Color' tool on the toolbar.


Q: What is the 'Italic' button used for in MS Word?

A: The 'Italic' button is used to apply an italic style to selected text.


Q: What does the 'Undo' command do in MS Word?

A: The 'Undo' command reverses the last action taken, allowing you to go back one step.


Q: How do you create a bulleted list in MS Word?

A: To create a bulleted list, select the text and click the 'Bullets' button on the toolbar.


Q: What is a page break in MS Word?

A: A page break is used to force text to start on a new page within a document.


Q: How can you align text to the right in MS Word?

A: You can align text to the right by using the 'Right Align' button on the toolbar.


Q: What is a header in MS Word?

A: A header is text or information that appears at the top of each page in a document.


Q: What does the 'Find' feature in MS Word do?

A: The 'Find' feature helps you search for specific words or phrases within a document.


Q: How can you insert a picture in MS Word?

A: To insert a picture, go to 'Insert' > 'Picture' and select the image file from your computer.


Q: What is the purpose of the 'Page Layout' tab in MS Word?

A: The 'Page Layout' tab allows you to adjust the page setup and design of your document.


Q: What is a footer in MS Word?

A: A footer is text or information that appears at the bottom of each page in a document.


Q: How do you save a document with a new name in MS Word?

A: To save a document with a new name, select 'File' > 'Save As' and choose a new file name.


Q: What is the function of the 'Spell Check' feature in MS Word?

A: The 'Spell Check' feature helps identify and correct spelling errors in the document.


Q: What is the 'Print' command used for in MS Word?

A: The 'Print' command is used to send the document to a printer for hardcopy output.




Q: What is a spreadsheet?

A: A spreadsheet is a computer application used for organizing, analyzing, and storing data in a tabular format.


Q: What is MS Excel?

A: MS Excel is a popular spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft.


Q: What are rows and columns in a spreadsheet?

A: Rows are horizontal lines in a spreadsheet, while columns are vertical lines. They intersect to form cells.


Q: How do you create a new workbook in MS Excel?

A: To create a new workbook, you can go to 'File' and select 'New' or use the shortcut Ctrl + N.


Q: What is a cell in a spreadsheet?

A: A cell is a single rectangular space in a spreadsheet where data can be entered.


Q: How can you format the font in a cell in MS Excel?

A: You can format the font by selecting the cell and using the 'Font' options on the toolbar.


Q: What is a cell address in MS Excel?

A: A cell address is a combination of a column letter and a row number, like "A1," which uniquely identifies a cell.


Q: How do you make a cell's content bold in MS Excel?

A: To make cell content bold, select the cell and click the 'Bold' button on the toolbar.


Q: What is a formula in MS Excel?

A: A formula is an equation that performs calculations and operations on data in the spreadsheet.


Q: How do you add two numbers in MS Excel using a formula?

A: To add two numbers, you can type a formula like "=A1 + B1" in a cell, where A1 and B1 are the cell references.


Q: What is the purpose of the 'AutoSum' function in MS Excel?

A: The 'AutoSum' function is used to quickly add a range of numbers in a column or row.


Q: How can you change the width of a column in MS Excel?

A: To change the column width, hover the mouse pointer over the column header, click, and drag the boundary line.


Q: What is the 'Fill Handle' in MS Excel used for?

A: The 'Fill Handle' is a small square at the lower-right corner of a selected cell, used to copy data or formulas to adjacent cells.


Q: How can you freeze panes in MS Excel?

A: To freeze panes, go to the 'View' tab and select 'Freeze Panes' to keep rows or columns visible while scrolling.


Q: What is a cell range in MS Excel?

A: A cell range is a group of adjacent cells identified by the starting and ending cell references (e.g., A1:A10).


Q: How do you insert a new row in MS Excel?

A: To insert a new row, right-click on the row number, and choose 'Insert.'


Q: What is conditional formatting in MS Excel?

A: Conditional formatting is a feature that allows you to format cells based on specified conditions or rules.


Q: How do you make a cell's content italic in MS Excel?

A: To make cell content italic, select the cell and click the 'Italic' button on the toolbar.


Q: What is the 'Sort' feature in MS Excel used for?

A: The 'Sort' feature is used to arrange data in ascending or descending order based on specified criteria.


Q: How do you protect a worksheet in MS Excel?

A: To protect a worksheet, go to 'Review' and select 'Protect Sheet' to set a password or limit editing.


Q: What is a chart in MS Excel?

A: A chart is a graphical representation of data that helps to visualize and analyze information.


Q: What is a pie chart?

A: A pie chart is a circular chart divided into slices, where each slice represents a portion of the whole.


Q: How can you add a border to a cell in MS Excel?

A: To add a border, select the cell and use the 'Border' options on the toolbar.


Q: What is the 'Page Layout' tab in MS Excel used for?

A: The 'Page Layout' tab is used to set up the page for printing, adjust margins, and control page orientation.


Q: How do you save a workbook in MS Excel?

A: To save a workbook, go to 'File' and select 'Save' or use the shortcut Ctrl + S.




Q: What is MS PowerPoint?

A: MS PowerPoint is a presentation software program developed by Microsoft used to create slide-based presentations.


Q: How can you add animation to objects in a PowerPoint slide?

A: To add animation, select the object, go to the 'Animations' tab, and choose an animation effect.


Q: What is a slide transition in MS PowerPoint?

A: A slide transition is an animation effect that occurs when moving from one slide to another in a presentation.


Q: How do you apply slide transitions in PowerPoint?

A: To apply slide transitions, go to the 'Transitions' tab and select the desired transition effect.


Q: What is the purpose of the 'Slide Master' in MS PowerPoint?

A: The Slide Master is used to define the layout and formatting for all slides in a presentation.


Q: How can you insert a hyperlink in a PowerPoint slide?

A: To insert a hyperlink, select the text or object, right-click, and choose 'Hyperlink.'


Q: What is a speaker note in PowerPoint?

A: A speaker note is additional information or comments that can be added to individual slides and are only visible to the presenter.


Q: How can you add audio or video to a PowerPoint presentation?

A: To add audio or video, go to the 'Insert' tab and choose 'Audio' or 'Video' to embed media into the slide.


Q: What is the 'Presenter View' in PowerPoint?

A: The Presenter View is a feature that shows presenter notes, the current slide, and a timer while displaying the presentation on a projector.


Q: What is a chart in PowerPoint?

A: A chart is a graphical representation of data that can be added to a slide to illustrate information.


Q: How do you insert a new slide in PowerPoint?

A: To insert a new slide, go to the 'Home' tab and click on 'New Slide.'


Q: What is the purpose of the 'Animation Pane' in PowerPoint?

A: The Animation Pane allows you to view and manage animation effects applied to objects on a slide.


Q: How can you reorder slides in a PowerPoint presentation?

A: To reorder slides, use the 'Slide Sorter' view and drag slides to the desired position.


Q: What is the 'Slide Show' view in PowerPoint?

A: The 'Slide Show' view allows you to present your slides in full-screen mode, starting from the current slide.


Q: What is a hyperlink action button in PowerPoint?

A: A hyperlink action button is a pre-designed shape that can be added to a slide to link to other slides or external resources.


Q: How can you customize the design of a PowerPoint slide background?

A: You can customize the background by right-clicking on the slide and choosing 'Format Background.'


Q: What is a transition sound in PowerPoint?

A: A transition sound is an audio effect that plays during the slide transition from one slide to another.


Q: How do you add comments to a PowerPoint presentation?

A: To add comments, go to the 'Review' tab and click 'New Comment' to insert notes or feedback.


Q: What is the 'Action' feature in PowerPoint used for?

A: The 'Action' feature is used to create interactive elements on a slide that respond to user clicks, like navigating to other slides.


Q: How can you record a narration for a PowerPoint presentation?

A: You can record narration by going to the 'Slide Show' tab and selecting 'Record Slide Show.'


Q: What is the 'Thumbnails' pane in PowerPoint?

A: The 'Thumbnails' pane displays a miniature view of all slides, making it easy to navigate and select specific slides.


Q: What is the 'Grid and Guides' feature in PowerPoint used for?

A: Grid and Guides help align and position objects precisely on a slide.


Q: How can you add a 3D model to a PowerPoint slide?

A: To add a 3D model, go to the 'Insert' tab and choose '3D Models' to insert and manipulate 3D objects.


Q: What is the 'Zoom' feature in PowerPoint?

A: The 'Zoom' feature is used to create interactive summary slides or navigation links within a presentation.


Q: How can you share a PowerPoint presentation online for collaborative editing?

A: You can share a PowerPoint presentation using cloud services like OneDrive or SharePoint, allowing multiple users to collaborate and edit the document online.




Q: What is HTML?

A: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standard markup language used to create web pages.


Q: What is a web page?

A: A web page is a document that can be displayed in a web browser. It contains text, images, and links to other web pages.


Q: What are HTML tags?

A: HTML tags are special codes used to define the structure and content of a web page. They are enclosed in angle brackets, like <tag>.


Q: What is the basic structure of an HTML document?

A: An HTML document consists of an opening <html> tag, followed by <head> and <body> sections.


Q: What does the <head> section of an HTML document contain?

A: The <head> section contains metadata about the web page, such as the title and links to external resources like stylesheets and scripts.


Q: What is the role of the <title> tag in the <head> section?

A: The <title> tag defines the title of the web page, which is displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.


Q: How do you add a line break in HTML?

A: You can add a line break using the <br> tag.


Q: What is an HTML attribute?

A: An HTML attribute provides additional information about an element. Attributes are added to the opening tag and are often used for styling or specifying behavior.


Q: What is a hyperlink in HTML?

A: A hyperlink, created with the <a> tag, is a clickable element that links to another web page or resource.


Q: What is the purpose of the <img> tag in HTML?

A: The <img> tag is used to embed images in a web page.


Q: How do you create a numbered list in HTML?

A: You can create a numbered list using the <ol> (ordered list) tag and <li> (list item) tags.


Q: What is the role of the <ul> tag in HTML?

A: The <ul> tag is used to create an unordered list, where list items are typically preceded by bullet points.


Q: What is an HTML form used for?

A: An HTML form is used to collect user input, such as text, checkboxes, and radio buttons, which can be submitted to a web server.


Q: How do you create a text input field in an HTML form?

A: You can create a text input field using the <input> tag with the type attribute set to "text."


Q: What is the purpose of the <textarea> tag in HTML?

A: The <textarea> tag is used to create a multiline text input field in a form.


Q: What is the <select> tag used for in HTML forms?

A: The <select> tag is used to create a dropdown list or selection menu in a form.


Q: What does HTML stand for?

A: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.


Q: What is the purpose of the <h1> to <h6> tags in HTML?

A: The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define headings, with <h1> being the highest level and <h6> the lowest.


Q: How do you add a comment in HTML?

A: You can add a comment in HTML using <!-- to start the comment and --> to end it.


Q: What is the purpose of the <div> tag in HTML?

A: The <div> tag is used to create a container for grouping and styling content.


Q: How do you create a link that opens in a new browser window?

A: You can create a link that opens in a new window using the target="_blank" attribute in the <a> tag.


Q: What is the role of the <meta> tag in the <head> section of an HTML document?

A: The <meta> tag provides metadata about the web page, such as character encoding and author information.


Q: How do you create a table in HTML?

A: You can create a table using the <table> tag, with rows defined by <tr> tags and columns by <td> (table data) or <th> (table header) tags.


Q: What is the purpose of the <span> tag in HTML?

A: The <span> tag is used to apply inline styling to a specific portion of text.


Q: How do you link to an external website using HTML?

A: You can link to an external website using the <a> tag with the href attribute containing the URL of the external site.




Q: What is the Internet?

A: The Internet is a global network of connected computers and networks that allows the exchange of information and communication.


Q: What is a web browser?

A: A web browser is a software application used to access and view websites on the Internet.


Q: How can you connect to the Internet?

A: You can connect to the Internet using a variety of devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, through wired or wireless connections.


Q: What is a website?

A: A website is a collection of web pages that are hosted on the Internet and can be accessed through a web browser.


Q: What is a URL?

A: A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the web address used to locate resources on the Internet.


Q: What is a search engine?

A: A search engine is a tool that helps you find information on the Internet by entering keywords.


Q: How do you conduct an online search using a search engine?

A: To conduct a search, open a web browser, go to a search engine like Google, and enter keywords related to your query.


Q: What is social media?

A: Social media platforms are websites and applications that enable users to create and share content and interact with others.


Q: What is email?

A: Email, short for electronic mail, is a digital communication method used to send and receive messages over the Internet.


Q: What is an email address?

A: An email address is a unique identifier that allows you to send and receive emails.


Q: What is online safety?

A: Online safety refers to the practices and measures taken to protect personal information and stay safe while using the Internet.


Q: What is a username and password?

A: A username is a unique identifier used to access online accounts, while a password is a secret combination of characters to protect access.


Q: What is an Internet service provider (ISP)?

A: An Internet service provider is a company that provides Internet access to customers.


Q: How can you protect your personal information online?

A: To protect personal information, use strong passwords, be cautious about sharing personal details, and avoid suspicious websites and emails.


Q: What is online etiquette?

A: Online etiquette, or netiquette, refers to the proper behavior and manners when interacting with others on the Internet.


Q: What is an online community?

A: An online community is a group of people who connect and interact with each other over the Internet, often sharing common interests.


Q: What are online forums and chat rooms?

A: Online forums and chat rooms are platforms for people to engage in discussions and conversations with others on the Internet.


Q: What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?

A: The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet used for websites, web pages, and hyperlinks, making information easily accessible.


Q: What is online gaming?

A: Online gaming refers to playing video games with others over the Internet, often in real-time multiplayer mode.


Q: How can you avoid online scams and phishing attempts?

A: Be cautious of suspicious emails and websites, don't click on unknown links, and never share personal or financial information with unknown sources.


Q: What is streaming?

A: Streaming is the online delivery of audio and video content in real time, allowing users to watch or listen without downloading the entire file.


Q: What is the purpose of a web address, such as "http://" or "https://"?

A: Web addresses like "http://" or "https://" indicate the protocol used for communication with the website, and "https" indicates a secure connection.


Q: What is a digital footprint?

A: A digital footprint is the trail of data you leave behind when using the Internet, including your online activities, posts, and interactions.


Q: How can you report online harassment or abuse?

A: Most online platforms have mechanisms for reporting harassment or abuse, such as flagging content or contacting the platform's support.


Q: What is the significance of responsible and ethical Internet use?

A: Responsible and ethical Internet use is important to maintain a safe and respectful online environment and to protect one's own and others' well-being.

Class 6 Computer Science Introduction to MS Word Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks using the right option: (answers in green)


Question 1 Ctrl + S is used to …………….

(1) Save (2) Open (3) New (4) Close


Question 2 Below the ruler the large area is called the ………

(1) Text Area (2) Open Area (3) Close Area (4) All of these


Question 3 There are two scroll bars in a word document …………… and

(1) Horizontal, Vertical (2) Left, Right (3) Upper bar, Lower bar (4) None of these



Question 4 To open a new document Press …………… keys on the keyboard

(1) Ctrl + O (2) Ctrl + N (3) Ctrl + S (4) Ctrl + V


Question 5 The …………… view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.

(1) Print Layout (2) Draft (3) Outline (4) Full size


Write down True or False:


Question 1 A dialogue box launcher in the bottom-right corner of every group.


Question 2 Notepad is a basic text editor that we can use to create simple text documents.



Question 3 Title bar is the bottommost bar of the Word window.



Question 4 Outline view displays the document in outline form.



Short Answer type Questions:


Question 1 How to start the Notepad?

Ans: Click on Start → All Programs → Accessories → Notepad


Question 2 List the Parts of WordPad Window.

Ans: 1. WordPad Button

2. Quick Access Toolbar

3. Tabs

4. Title bar

5. Home Tab Ribbon

6. Ruler

7. Text Area

8. Status Bar


Question 3 Define Dialog Box Launcher

Ans: Dialog box launcher in the bottom-right corner of every group. It gives us access to commands via a dialog box.


Question 4 Define the Text Area.

Ans: Below the ruler the large area is called text area. We can type our document in the text area. The blinking vertical line in the text area is the cursor.


Question 5 What is the Status Bar?

Ans: Status Bar: It is present at the bottom of the Paint Window. It gives information about the current page and the number of words in our document.


Long Answer type Questions:


Question 1 Explain any 6 Special Features of Ms Word

Ans: 1. MS-Word allows us to insert text anywhere.

2. MS-Word allows us to set various page sizes and margins.

3. MS-Word allows us to search any word.

4. MS-Word allows us to change font size, Style and Language.

5. MS-Word allows us to embed graphs into a document.

6. MS-Word allows us to set headers and footers.

7. MS-Word allows us to check the spelling of words.


Question 2 Explain Document Views in Ms Word

Ans: 1. Print Layout : It provides the view of document, how it is printed.

2, Full Screen Layout : It provides the view of document, more comfortable to reading.

3. Web Layout : It provides the view of document, how it is printed in a browser.

4. Outline View : It provides the view of document, in outline form

5. Draft View : It provides the view of document, to quickly edit.


Question 3 How to creating and Saving New Document in Ms Word

Ans: Steps of creating New Document

1. Click on Office button.

2. Click on new option.

3. Click on blank document option.

4. Click on create button.

Steps of Saving New Document

1. Click on Office button.

2. Click on save option.

3. Type File name.

4. Click on save button.




1. CPU : Central Processing Unit

2. ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit.

3. CU : Control Unit

4. MU : Memory Unit

5. RAM : Random Access Memory

6. ROM : Read Only Memory

7. GUI : Graphical User Interface

8. SMPS : Switched-Mode Power Supply

9. CD : Compact Disk

10. DVD : Digital Video Disk

11. BCR : Bar Code Reader

12. VDU : Visual Display Unit

13. MICR : Magnetic Ink Card Reader

14. CRT : Cathode-Ray Tube

15. LCD : Liquid Crystal Display

16. LED : Light Emitting Diode

17. DMP : Dot Matrix Printer

18. CAD : Computer-Aided Design

19. MS Paint : Microsoft Paint




1. Ctrl+N : New File

2. Ctrl+S : Save File

3. Ctrl+O : Open File

4. Alt+F4 : Exit

5. Ctrl+P : Print File

6. Ctrl+X : Cut

7. Ctrl+C : Copy

8. Ctrl+V : Paste

9. Ctrl+Z : Undo

10. Ctrl+Y : Redo

11. F12: Save As


Class 6 Computer Science MS Paint – Part 2 Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks using the right option: (answer in green)


Question 1 The clipboard menu has three options – Cut, Copy and ……………

(1) Paste (2) Move (3) Close (4) Zoom


Question 2 The top button, a diamond shape with a line through it is ……………

(1) Paste (2) Cut (3) Copy (4) Crop


Question 3 The …………… tool can be used to draw a pentagon.

(1) Triangle (2)Rectangle (3) Pentagon (4) Hexagon


Question 4 The Eraser tool erase the part of a picture with the ……………button of the mouse pressed.

(1) Left (2) Right (3) scroll (4) None of these


Question 5 Color 2 is used if we press with the …………… mouse button

(1) Left (2) Right (3) scroll (4) None of these


Write down True or False:


Question 1 Ellipse tool helps us to draw a square.



Question 2 Eraser tool is used for the freehand drawing.



Question 3 Brush tool is used to spray colours.



Question 4 Drawing/Work area is a place where you can draw pictures.



Question 5 Text tool is used to add text to a picture.



Short Answer Type Questions:


Q 1. What is a Home Tab Ribbon?

Ans: Home Tab Ribbon is the main ribbon of Window. It is below the Menu Bar of the Paint window. Many of the tools, Shapes, Colors are found in the Home Tab Ribbon.


Q 2. Write the name of the main parts of the Home Tab Ribbon

Ans: Main parts of the Home Tab Ribbon are below.

1. Clipboard

2. Image

3. Tools

4. Brushes

5. Shapes

6. Size

7. Colors


Q 3. Write the name of tools available in the Tools Menu

Ans: 1. Pencil

2, Color Picker

3. Eraser

4. Magnifier

5. Text

6. Fill with Color


Q 4. What is a sizing tool?

Ans: Size Tool offered line thickness of Shape or Brush. This tool becomes active after we choose a Brush or a Shape.


Q 5. Write about brushes

Ans: Brushes are used to prepare drawing in various widths and textures. with the help of. Widths are controlled by Size Tool together. Textures are controlled by the brushes.


Long Answer Type Questions:


Q1. Explains the section of View Tab Ribbon

Ans: It is the Second main ribbon of the Paint Window. It is used to view the drawing in different ways. It has three main options: Zoom, Show or hide and Display.

1. Zoom: The zoom tool is used to get a closer or more distant view of the drawing.

2. Show or hide: This tool is used to Show or Hide the status bar, Gridlines and Rulers.

3. Display: This tool is used to get a Full Screen or Normal View


Q 2. Explain the parts of Color section in Home Tab Ribbon

Ans: The Color section of the ribbon has three parts:

1, Color 1 and Color 2 Box: Color 1 is the Foreground Color and Color 2 is the Background Color.

2. Color Palette: The Color Palette shows all the colours available when we are making a picture.

3. Edit Colors button: This button is used to add more colours.


Q 3. Write about Resize and Skew option.

Ans: Skew and Resize options are used to change the size of a picture.

1. Resize: This option is used to increase or decrease the size of a picture vertically, horizontally, or

both. It used percentage or pixels values to resize the pictures.

2. Skew: This option is used to stretch a picture vertically or horizontally. It used the degree of angle to

stretch the pictures.


Q 4. What is a Text Tool? How to Formatting the text

Ans: the tool is used to insert our text. Click on the text tool and draw a box that holds our text. Now the Text Toolbar appears. Now we can type our text.

Formatting the text: Text Toolbar is used to bold, italic, underline, change the size and appearance of the text.


Q 5. Write about shapes menu

Ans: shapes menu: It is used to draw geometric shapes in paint. Some shapes are Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Curve, Polygon, Line etc.

Steps to draw shapes:

Click over the shape you want to draw.

Click in the drawing area and drag the shape.


Class 6 Computer Science Input Devices Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks using the right option: (answer in green)


Question 1 …………… is used to click photos in computer.

(1) Headphone (2) Web Camera (3) Speakers (4) None of these


Question 2 Commonly used keyboard has ………………. keys.

(1) 100 (2) 104 (3) 105 (4) 107


Question 3 Bar Code Reader Consist of …………..

(1) Light Sensor (2)Light Pen (3) Heat (4) Magnetic


Question 4 …………… is a pointing device.

(1) Headphone (2) Keyboard (3) Mouse (4) Web Camera


Question 5 …………… is used to add text and Picture in computer.

(1) Printer (2) Scanner (3) Speakers (4) Mouse


Question 6 …………… keys are used to move cursor in all directions.

(1) Arrow (2) Special (3) Function (4) Numeric


Write down True or False:


Question 1 Web Camera produce photos on the film roll.



Question 2 Scroll button is used to move the screen.



Question 3 Joystick is used to control video games.



Question 4 F1 to F12 are functions Keys.



Question 5 Delete key is a special key.



Short Answer type Questions:


Question 1 What is an input device?

Ans: An input device is a hardware device. It gives data and Instructions to the computer. Commonly used input device are Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone, Scanner, Web Camera, Light Pen, Joy Stick etc.


Question 2 Name Six input devices.

Ans: 1. Keyboard

2. Mouse

3. Microphone

4. Scanner

5. Web Camera

6. Light Pen

7. Joy Stick


Question 3 Write short Note on Trackball.

Ans: Track Ball is an input device. It is mostly used in notebook or laptop, instead of a mouse. It is a pointing device. Pointer can be moved by moving fingers on this ball.


Question 4 Write a note on touchpad.

Ans: It is an input device. It is a pointing device. Touch pad are used in laptop, instead of a mouse. It has two Buttons: Right Button and Left Button.


question 5 What is the use of Microphone?

Ans: It is an input device. It is also called mike. It is used to record voice in computer. We can give instructions to computer with the help of Microphone.


Question 6 Write a note on MICR.

Ans: The full form of MICR is Magnetic Ink Card Reader. It is an input device. It is used in banks. It is used to read special type of ink that contains magnetic material.


Question 7 Give use of web Camera.

Ans: Web Camera is an input device. It is similar to camera. But Web camera saves photos in computer


Question 8 Where is Scanner used?

Ans: Scanner is an input device. It is used to add text and picture in computer. It works like a Photostat Machine.


Long Answer type Questions:


Question 1 Write note on Keyboard and its keys In Detail?

Ans: Keyboard: – Keyboard is most common texts input device. Buttons of keyboard called keys. Commonly

keyboard has 104 keys.

Types of Keys –

1. Alphabetical Keys – A to Z

2. Numeric Keys – 0 to 9

3. Functional Key – F1 to F12

4. Special Keys – Delete, Back Space, Enter, Space Bar, Shift, Ctrl, Alt etc

5. Arrow Keys – These are four in number.


Question 2 Write a note on Bar Code Reader?

Ans: Bar Code Reader: – It is an input device. It is used to reading printed barcodes. It contains a light source, a lens and a light sensor. It’s translating optical impulses into electrical. It is used in big Mall to determine the price of an item.


Question 3 What is Mouse? Explain the functions of Mouse Button.

Ans: Mouse: – Mouse is an important input device. It is a pointing device. It is used to control cursor on the screen. To control cursor, Mouse is rolled over a flat surface. Mouse has three buttons

Left Button

Right Button

Scroll Button


Class 6 Computer Science Introduction to MS Paint Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks using the right option:


Question 1 The …………… bar is present at the top of the paint window.

(1) Title bar (2) Status Bar (3) Scroll Bar (4) All of these


Question 2 …….. toolbar present in title bar by default. Its position can be changed either to below or above the ribbon.

(1) Quick access bar (2) Status Bar (3) Scroll Bar (4) Task Bar


Question 3 The first on the left of the Menu Bar is the …………… Button.

(1) Paint (2) Help (3) Close (4) Minimize


Question 4 Scroll Bar is used to move the screen. It is of ….. …………. types

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5


Question 5 With the help of …………… option we can Save a Copy of picture with another file name.

(1) save as (2) open (3) new (4) exit


Write down True or False :


Question 1 Drawings in paint can be saved as bitmap.bmp files.



Question 2 There are 3 buttons at the Right hand side of The title bar



Question 3 Minimize button is used to minimize the paint window onto the taskbar.



Question 4 New command is used to create a new file.



Question 5 Drawing is done in the drawing area.



Short Answer type Questions:


Q 1. What is paint?

Ans: Paint is a drawing tool which helps us to create drawings.


Q 2. How to start the Ms Paint.

Ans: 1. Click on the start button.

2. Click on All Programs.

3. Click on Accessories.

4. Click on Paint option.


Q 3. Write the parts of paint window.

Ans: 1. Title Bar

2. Quick Access Toolbar

3. Menu Bar

4. Scroll Bar

5. Status bar

6. Zoom slider

7. Work Area


Q 4. Write the types of scroll bar.

Ans: 1. Horizontal Scroll bar.

2. Vertical Scroll bar.


Q 5. What is work area?

Ans: Free space is called work area. It is used for making drawing.


Long Answer type Questions:


Q 1. What is Quick Access Toolbar? Explain its parts.

Ans: It is toolbar present in title bar. It contains Save, Undo and Redo buttons.

Moving Quick Access Toolbar: We can move the quick access toolbar to below the ribbon.

Adding Ribbon items: Many other items from the ribbon can also be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.


Q 2. What is paint button? Write down its commands.

Ans: Paint Button: The first on the left of the Menu Bar is the Paint Button. It opens a menu, which contains

many commands.

1. New: – To create new file.

2. Open: – To open a file.

3. Save : – To save a file.

4. Save as: – To create copy of save file.

5. Print: – To print a file.


Q 3. Define Home Tab Ribbon.

Ans: Home Tab Ribbon: All the tools, shapes, color palette are grouped in this ribbon. It will give us access to everything in their menu.


Q 4. What is status bar? Explain its parts.

Ans: Status Bar: It is present at the bottom of the Paint Window. It gives information and helps us during work in Paint. It Contains

1. Cursor Position

2. Selection Size

3.Image Size

4 Disk Size

5. Zoom Slider


Q 5. How to save our work?

Ans: 1. Press Ctrl + S keys.

2. Type File Name.

3. Click on Save Button.


Class 6 Computer Science Functioning of Computer Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks (answers in green)


Question 1 …………… is the process of entering Data and Instructions to the computer.

(1) Input Devices (2) Output Devices (3) CPU (4) None of these


Question 2 The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as …….

(1) Input (2) Storage (3) Processing (4) Output


Question 3 The process of producing results from the data for getting useful information is called

(1) Input (2) Output (3) Processing (4) None of these


Question 4 Primary storage is also known as……………. Memory.

(1) Secondary (2) Main (3) Auxiliary (4) All of these


Question 5 Secondary storage is also called……………….. storage.

(1) Secondary (2) Main (3) Auxiliary (4) all of these


Write down True or False:


Question 1 A computer is an electronic machine.



Question 2 The Process of entering data and programs into the computer is called Output.



Question 3 Intermediate results of processing are stored in Storage.



Question 4 A supercomputer is the most powerful computer.



Question 5 Memory is of two types: Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.



Short Answer type Questions :


Q 1. Draw the diagram of basic functions of a Computer.



Q 2. Draw a Block Diagram of C.P.U. and name three parts of it.



Q 3. Define memory and name of two types of memory.

Ans: 1. Primary Memory

2. Secondary Memory


Class 6 Computer Science Functioning of Computer Notes and Questions

Q 5. Describe about Laptop.

Ans: It is a portable PC. It is light weight and small. Laptop has a battery and charger. A person can carry a



Q 6. What is Tablet?

Ans: It is a very thin portable computer. It is usually battery-powered. It has a touch screen as input device.


Long Answer type Questions:


Q 1. What are the basic functions of a Computer?

Ans: 1. Input : The process of entering data and programs in to the computer system.

2. Storage : The process of saving data and instructions.

3. Process : The process of performing operations on data and instructions.

4. Output : The process of producing result from data and instructions.


Q 2. Describe Primary Memory?

Ans: 1. It is called the main memory.

2. It stores data temporarily.

3. It has limited storage.

4. It is very expensive.

5. It is not easily portable.

6. Examples: RAM, ROM


Q 3. Describe secondary memory?

Ans: 1. It is called auxiliary memory.

2. It stores data permanently.

3. It has large storage.

4. It is not so expensive.

5. It is easily portable.

6. Examples: CD, DVD


Q 4. Describe Control Unit.

Ans: The control unit is also called the central controller. It directs the various components of a computer.

Basic functions are1.

1. To read the code.

2. To decode the numerical code.

3. To provide the data to an ALU.


Q 5. Describe A.L.U.

Ans: An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic and logical operations.


:1. Arithmetic operations (for example : addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

2. Bitwise logic operations (greater than, smaller than, equal to)


Q 6. Describe Microcomputers.

Ans: Microcomputers are the most common type of computers. These Computers are used at school or at home.

Examples 1. Laptop

2. Notebook

3. Tablet

4. Palmtop


Class 6 Computer Science Introduction To Computer Notes and Questions


Fill in the Blanks (answers in green)


Question 1. …………… is an electronic machine.

(1) Cycle (2) Typewriter (3) Computer (4) All of these.


Question 2 The speed of computer is ……………

(1) Fast (2) Slow (3) Medium (4) None of these.


Question 3 Computer has very large …………… .

(1) Speed (2) Memory (3) Display (4) Keyboard


Question 4 In business computers are used to prepare ……

(1) Cash (2) Tickets (3) Books of account (4) None of these


Question 5 Computers are used in Education by …………… and

(1) Teachers, students (2) Businessman, Banker (3) Parents, children (4) all of these


Write down True or False:


Question 1 Computer can perform Mathematical Calculations.



Question 2 Computer cannot take decision itself



Question 3 Computer doesn’t have storage capacity.



Question 4 A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.



Question 5 Computer is an electronic machine which receives input, processes it and gives output.



Short Answer type Questions:


Q 1. What is a Computer?

Ans: Computer is an electronic machine. It takes input, processes it and gives output.


Q 2. Give definition of Computer?

Ans: Computer is an electronic machine that takes data as input from the user, processes it and gives the result as output. It saves output for the future use.


Q 3. What can we do on a Computer? Write any four.

Ans: 1. We can draw pictures on Computer.

2. We can play games on Computer.

3. We can listen songs on Computer.

4. We can see films on Computer.


Q 4. How a Computer is helpful in Health and Medicine?

Ans: 1. To maintain patient history.

2. To diagnose of diseases

3. To perform medical tests.


Q 5. How a Computer is helpful in Banks?

Ans: 1. for record keeping.

2. To maintain accounts

3. ATMs facility


Long Answer type Questions:


Q 1. Write down about the fields where a Computer can be used?

Ans: 1. In Education field

2. In Health and Medicine field

3. In Shops

4. In Business

5. In Banks

6. In Entertainment field

7. In Government fields.

8. In Sports


Q 2. Write Down characteristics of a Computer.

Ans: 1. Speed

2. Accuracy

3. Diligence

4. Versatility

5. Automation

6. Storage


Q 3. Write down the limitations of a Computer.

Ans: 1. A computer cannot generate information itself.

2. A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.

3. A computer cannot take decision itself.

4. Computer cannot do any work itself.

5. It does not have feelings.

6. It does not have knowledge.