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CLASS – X ICSE 2023-24

CLASS – X ICSE 2023-24

CLASS – X ICSE 2023-24


1. What does "Class as the Basis of all Computation" refer to in the context of computer science?

"Class as the Basis of all Computation" is a fundamental concept that highlights the significance of classes in object-oriented programming, where classes are used to create objects and define their behavior.


2. Define the term "object" in the context of object-oriented programming.

An object is an instance of a class. It is a self-contained unit that encapsulates data and behavior.


3. Explain the concept of "class" in object-oriented programming.

A class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the attributes (data) and methods (functions) that objects of the class will have.


4. What is "inheritance" in object-oriented programming, and why is it important?

Inheritance is a mechanism that allows a new class to inherit properties and behaviors from an existing class. It promotes code reuse and hierarchy in class structures.


5. How do you define a class in Python? Provide an example.

A class in Python is defined using the class keyword. Here's an example:

class Person:

    def __init__(self, name, age):

        self.name = name

        self.age = age


    def greet(self):

        return f"Hello, my name is {self.name}, and I am {self.age} years old."


6. Explain the purpose of the __init__ method in Python classes.

The __init__ method is a constructor that initializes object attributes when a new object is created from a class.


7. What is "encapsulation," and how is it related to classes in programming?

Encapsulation is the bundling of data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on the data into a single unit called a class. It helps in data hiding and access control.


8. How can you create an object from a class in Python?

You can create an object by calling the class constructor. For example:

person1 = Person("Alice", 25)


9. What is the role of the "dot notation" in accessing class attributes and methods?

The "dot notation" (e.g., object.attribute or object.method()) is used to access attributes and call methods of an object.


10. Explain the term "polymorphism" in object-oriented programming.

- Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class. It enables flexibility and extensibility in code.


11. What is "abstraction," and why is it important in class-based programming?

- Abstraction is the process of simplifying complex systems by breaking them down into manageable parts. It helps in modeling real-world entities using classes.


12. What is a "class variable" in Python, and how does it differ from an instance variable?

- A class variable is shared among all instances of a class, while an instance variable is specific to an individual object of the class.


13. How does the concept of "composition" relate to classes in object-oriented programming?

- Composition is a way to build complex classes by combining or composing simpler classes as components. It enables the creation of more sophisticated and modular systems.


14. Explain the term "constructor" in the context of classes and objects.

- A constructor is a special method that initializes the object when it is created. In Python, the constructor is named __init__.


15. Describe the role of "getters" and "setters" in class design.

- Getters are methods that retrieve the values of object attributes, and setters are methods that modify those attribute values while applying validation and logic.


16. What is "data hiding," and why is it a fundamental principle in class-based programming?

- Data hiding restricts access to an object's attributes and promotes the use of methods to interact with the data. It helps maintain data integrity and security.


17. How does class-based programming promote code reusability?

- Class-based programming allows you to create reusable and modular code by defining classes and creating objects based on those classes.


18. Explain the concept of "method overloading" in object-oriented programming.

- Method overloading involves defining multiple methods with the same name in a class but with different parameters. The appropriate method is called based on the arguments provided.


19. What is the difference between a "class method" and an "instance method" in Python classes?

- Class methods are called on the class itself and have access to class-level attributes, while instance methods are called on objects and have access to object-specific attributes.


20. How can you implement "class inheritance" in Python, and what are the benefits?

- Class inheritance is implemented by creating a new class that derives properties and behaviors from an existing class. It promotes code reuse and hierarchy, allowing you to build more complex systems.




1. What is a user-defined method in programming?

A user-defined method is a custom function created by the programmer to perform a specific task or set of tasks in a program.


2. How do you define a user-defined method in Java?

A user-defined method is defined in Java using the public or private access modifier, followed by the return type (e.g., void for methods that don't return a value), the method name, and any parameters it may take.


3. What is the purpose of a method signature in a user-defined method?

The method signature includes the method name and the parameter list (if any) and is used to uniquely identify the method within the program.


4. How do you call a user-defined method in Java?

To call a user-defined method, you use the method name followed by parentheses, passing any required arguments inside the parentheses. For example, methodName(argument1, argument2).


5. What is a return type, and why is it important in user-defined methods?

The return type specifies the type of value that a method returns or indicates that the method doesn't return a value (use void). It's important for understanding what the method does and what it provides as output.


6. Explain the difference between a method parameter and an argument.

A method parameter is a variable declared in the method's signature. An argument is the actual value passed to the method when it is called.


7. How can you pass multiple arguments to a user-defined method in Java?

Multiple arguments are separated by commas within the method call, and the method should have corresponding parameters to receive these arguments.


8. What is method overloading, and why is it used in Java?

Method overloading is the ability to define multiple methods with the same name but different parameter lists. It's used to create methods that perform similar tasks with varying inputs.


9. How do you pass values to a user-defined method and retrieve results from it?

Values are passed to a method as arguments, and results are retrieved using the return statement. The method can return a value that can be assigned to a variable.


10. What is the significance of modular programming and user-defined methods in code development?

- Modular programming involves breaking down a program into smaller, manageable, and reusable parts. User-defined methods are essential for creating these modular components, enhancing code organization and maintainability.




1. What is a constructor in object-oriented programming?

A constructor is a special method used to initialize objects of a class. It is automatically called when an object is created.


2. What is the primary purpose of a constructor in a class?

The primary purpose of a constructor is to initialize the attributes or properties of an object when it is created.


3. How does a constructor differ from a regular method in a class?

Constructors have the same name as the class and are automatically invoked when an object is created. They don't have a return type and can't be called explicitly like regular methods.


4. What is a default constructor, and when is it invoked?

A default constructor is a constructor with no parameters. It is automatically invoked when an object is created without specifying any arguments.


5. What is a parameterized constructor, and when is it used?

A parameterized constructor is a constructor that accepts one or more arguments when an object is created. It is used to initialize object attributes with specific values.


6. How can you create and use a constructor in Java?

To create a constructor, define a method with the same name as the class and initialize object attributes. Constructors are called when objects are created using the new keyword.


7. Can a class have multiple constructors? If so, why is this useful?

Yes, a class can have multiple constructors with different parameter lists. This is useful for providing flexibility when creating objects with various initialization options.


8. What is constructor overloading, and why is it used?

Constructor overloading is the practice of defining multiple constructors within a class with different parameter lists. It allows objects to be created with different initializations based on the provided arguments.


9. How does a constructor relate to the concept of encapsulation in object-oriented programming?

Constructors are used to initialize object attributes, and encapsulation involves bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) into a single unit (class). Constructors are responsible for initializing and encapsulating data.


10. Explain the role of the 'this' keyword in constructors.

- The 'this' keyword is used in constructors to differentiate between instance variables and constructor parameters when they share the same name. It specifies that you are referring to the instance variable of the class.




1. What are library classes in the context of programming?

Library classes are pre-written classes and functions that are part of a programming language's standard library. They provide a wide range of functionality to simplify programming tasks.


2. How do library classes enhance code development in programming?

Library classes provide pre-implemented and well-tested solutions for common programming tasks, which can save time and effort for programmers.


3. What are some common examples of library classes in Java?

Common examples of library classes in Java include java.util.Scanner for input, java.util.ArrayList for dynamic arrays, and java.io.File for file handling.


4. How do you import and use library classes in your Java program?

You import library classes at the beginning of your Java program using the import statement, and then you can use their methods and classes in your code.


5. Explain the role of the java.util.Scanner class in Java and its usage for input.

The java.util.Scanner class is used for input in Java. It allows you to read data from various sources like the keyboard or files. You create a Scanner object and use its methods to read input.


6. What is the purpose of the java.util.ArrayList class, and how is it used?

The java.util.ArrayList class is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink in size. It is used to store and manipulate a collection of elements. You can add, remove, and access elements in an ArrayList.


7. Describe the java.io.File class in Java and its role in file handling.

The java.io.File class is used for file handling in Java. It allows you to create, read, write, delete, and manage files and directories on the file system.


8. What is the significance of the java.lang.Math class in Java?

The java.lang.Math class provides a set of mathematical functions and constants, making it easier to perform common mathematical operations in Java programs.


9. Explain the role of the java.util.Random class in generating random numbers.

The java.util.Random class is used to generate pseudo-random numbers. It provides methods to generate random integers, doubles, and other data types.


10. How can you find and use library classes in Python, and what is an example of a Python library class?

- In Python, library classes are part of the standard library and can be imported and used directly. An example is the math library, which provides mathematical functions like sqrt() for square root calculation and pi for the mathematical constant π.




1. What is encapsulation in the context of object-oriented programming?

Encapsulation is one of the four fundamental OOP concepts and refers to the bundling of data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on that data into a single unit called a class.


2. Why is encapsulation important in object-oriented programming?

Encapsulation promotes data hiding and access control, enhancing code organization, security, and maintainability.


3. What is a class in object-oriented programming, and how does it relate to encapsulation?

A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines both the attributes (data) and methods (functions) that encapsulate an object's behavior and data.


4. Explain the concept of access modifiers (private, protected, public) and their role in encapsulation.

Access modifiers control the visibility and accessibility of class members (attributes and methods). Private members are only accessible within the class, protected members are accessible within the class and its subclasses, and public members are accessible from anywhere.


5. How do you designate a class attribute or method as "private" in Java?

In Java, you use the private access modifier to declare a class attribute or method as private. For example: private int myVariable;


6. Describe a scenario where encapsulation can protect sensitive data in an object.

Encapsulation can protect sensitive data, such as a password, by making it private. Access to the data is controlled through public methods that validate and manage access.


7. What is the benefit of encapsulating data within a class using getter and setter methods?

Getter methods allow controlled access to private data, and setter methods enable validation and manipulation of data, maintaining data integrity.


8. How do you create getter and setter methods in Java for private class attributes?

Getter methods retrieve the value of a private attribute, and setter methods set its value. For example:

public int getMyVariable() {

    return myVariable;



public void setMyVariable(int value) {

    if (value >= 0) {

        myVariable = value;




9. What is data hiding, and how does it relate to encapsulation?

Data hiding is the practice of restricting direct access to a class's attributes and methods. Encapsulation enforces data hiding by making data private and controlling access through methods.


10. Explain how encapsulation enhances code security and maintainability.

- Encapsulation improves code security by limiting unauthorized access to data and ensures that data is manipulated only through validated methods. It enhances maintainability by isolating data and behavior within a class, making it easier to update and modify code without affecting other parts of the program.




1. What is an array in programming?

An array is a data structure that allows you to store a collection of elements of the same data type under a single name.


2. How are array elements accessed in most programming languages?

Array elements are accessed using an index, which is a numerical value that specifies the position of the element within the array.


3. What is the index of the first element in an array?

In most programming languages, the index of the first element in an array is 0.


4. What is the length or size of an array?

The length or size of an array is the total number of elements it can hold. It is determined when the array is declared.


5. How do you declare and initialize an array in Java?

In Java, you can declare and initialize an array as follows:

int[] numbers = new int[5]; // Declares an integer array with a size of 5


6. What is a one-dimensional array, and how is it different from a two-dimensional array?

A one-dimensional array is a simple array with a single row of elements. A two-dimensional array is an array of arrays, forming a grid with rows and columns.


7. How do you access elements of a two-dimensional array in most programming languages?

In a two-dimensional array, you access elements using two indices: one for the row and one for the column.


8. What is an array index out of bounds error, and how can it be avoided?

An array index out of bounds error occurs when you try to access an element with an index that is not within the valid range of the array. To avoid this error, always ensure that the index is within the bounds of the array.


9. Explain the concept of dynamic arrays or ArrayLists.

Dynamic arrays, such as ArrayLists in Java, can grow or shrink in size as needed. They provide a more flexible alternative to static arrays.


10. What is the difference between an array and an ArrayList in Java?

- An array has a fixed size, while an ArrayList can dynamically resize. To use an ArrayList, you need to import the java.util.ArrayList class, while arrays are part of the core language.




1. What is a string in programming?

A string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols, that is used to represent text.


2. How do you declare and initialize a string in Java?

In Java, you can declare and initialize a string using double quotes, like this:

String myString = "Hello, World!";


3. Explain the concept of string concatenation.

String concatenation is the process of combining two or more strings to create a new, longer string. In Java, you can use the + operator for string concatenation.


4. What is the length of a string, and how can you find it in Java?

The length of a string is the number of characters it contains. In Java, you can use the length() method to find the length of a string.


5. How do you compare two strings in Java to check if they are equal?

In Java, you can use the equals() method to compare two strings for equality. For example:

String str1 = "Hello";

String str2 = "World";

boolean areEqual = str1.equals(str2); // This will be false


6. What is the purpose of the charAt() method in string handling?

The charAt() method in Java allows you to retrieve the character at a specific index within a string.


7. How can you convert a string to uppercase or lowercase in Java?

In Java, you can use the toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.


8. What is the difference between the substring() and split() methods in Java string handling?

The substring() method extracts a part of a string based on indices, while the split() method splits a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter.


9. Explain the concept of string immutability in Java.

In Java, strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified after creation. Any operation that appears to modify a string actually creates a new string.


10. How can you remove leading and trailing spaces from a string in Java?

- You can use the trim() method to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string in Java.